Ink blots

Book cover of Inclusive Design for Products by Prof Jonathan Hassel

"Inclusive Design for Products" by Prof Jonatha...

Ferrari decided to change their design, specially to have door that are easier to get into by their elder segment. Did Ferrari decide to be more inclusive out of the...

"Inclusive Design for Products" by Prof Jonatha...

Ferrari decided to change their design, specially to have door that are easier to get into by their elder segment. Did Ferrari decide to be more inclusive out of the...

Online shopping when you are a cookie monster

Due to my dyslexia some of my online orders are really funky at times. I order the wrong thing, the wrong quantity, you name it. I ordered just recently my...

Online shopping when you are a cookie monster

Due to my dyslexia some of my online orders are really funky at times. I order the wrong thing, the wrong quantity, you name it. I ordered just recently my...

Book cover of Inclusive Design for a Digital World - Regine M. Gilbert

"Inclusive Design for a Digital World" - Regine...

If you are interested in Accessibility and wonder where to start then check out "Inclusive Design for a Digital World" from Regine M. Gilbert.  It's written in a very friendly...

"Inclusive Design for a Digital World" - Regine...

If you are interested in Accessibility and wonder where to start then check out "Inclusive Design for a Digital World" from Regine M. Gilbert.  It's written in a very friendly...

How to write an inclusive CV

As we think of inclusivity in hiring these days the top thing that springs to mind is how companies ensure their hiring practices are inclusive, accounting for accessibility, etc. Which...

How to write an inclusive CV

As we think of inclusivity in hiring these days the top thing that springs to mind is how companies ensure their hiring practices are inclusive, accounting for accessibility, etc. Which...

"Mismatch" book cover by Kat Holmes

"Mismatch" by Kat Holmes

This last weekend I went and visited the Design Museum in London. I was SO excited to browse their book selection and discover some interesting ones on inclusive or accessible...

"Mismatch" by Kat Holmes

This last weekend I went and visited the Design Museum in London. I was SO excited to browse their book selection and discover some interesting ones on inclusive or accessible...

Adding Alt Text to your email signature

What is Alt text first of all? It's text used to describe an imagine. Alt text is useful for a number of people, including those that might be using screen...

Adding Alt Text to your email signature

What is Alt text first of all? It's text used to describe an imagine. Alt text is useful for a number of people, including those that might be using screen...

book cover of get that job

Get that job!

A recruiter spends on average 5 seconds assessing a CV before discarding it. You have a small window and nothing more. I’ve been a recruiter for more than 10 years and have reviewed 100,000+ CVs in this time. 

How will you make sure you are not one of the many? 

This book is the advice you never received. 

How do you write your CV? 

How do you apply?

How do you stand out?

The rules of the game have changed, but they never seem to be in favour of the applicants. You might not be able to change the game, but through my book I want to empower you to change the rules and level the playing field.  

Order here