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Some of my A11y books

Career switching - the how to guide

I've been in recruitment for the last 11 years, doing a variety of roles - recruitment admin, experienced hiring, MBA hiring, PhD and research hiring, internal account management for our...

Career switching - the how to guide

I've been in recruitment for the last 11 years, doing a variety of roles - recruitment admin, experienced hiring, MBA hiring, PhD and research hiring, internal account management for our...

Book cover of Demystifying Disability by Emily Ladau

"Demystifying Disability" by Emily Ladau

I need to start by saying the book "Demystifying Disability" By Emily Ladau has a gorgeous cover - it show a variety of people with disability across different ethnicities: people who...

"Demystifying Disability" by Emily Ladau

I need to start by saying the book "Demystifying Disability" By Emily Ladau has a gorgeous cover - it show a variety of people with disability across different ethnicities: people who...

Book cover of Disability the basics by Tom Shakespeare

"Disability the basics" by Tom Shakespeare

For those looking to learn more about disability - including how talk about, how it impacts people's lives, the history of it (including the UK more recent years), a great...

"Disability the basics" by Tom Shakespeare

For those looking to learn more about disability - including how talk about, how it impacts people's lives, the history of it (including the UK more recent years), a great...

Book cover of The Dyslexic Advantage by Brock L. Eide & Fernette F. Eide

"The Dyslexic Advantage" by Brock L. Eide & Fer...

I didn’t know until 2 years ago I was dyslexic. I barely even heard of it or understood what it was – oh that thing where you can’t read or...

"The Dyslexic Advantage" by Brock L. Eide & Fer...

I didn’t know until 2 years ago I was dyslexic. I barely even heard of it or understood what it was – oh that thing where you can’t read or...

"Disability Visibility" edited by Alice Wong

"Disability Visibility" edited by Alice Wong

The first step to understanding somebody else's perspective is KNOWING what that perspective is. The experiences of people with disability can vary, after all each person is different. Alice Wong...

"Disability Visibility" edited by Alice Wong

The first step to understanding somebody else's perspective is KNOWING what that perspective is. The experiences of people with disability can vary, after all each person is different. Alice Wong...

Book cover of Design Justice by Sasha Costanza-Chock

"Design Justice" by Sasha Costanza-Chock

I was looking to learn more about Accessibility / Inclusivity and Design and was recommended "Design Justice" by Sasha Costanza-Chock. While the book sheds interesting insights into the opportunity that...

"Design Justice" by Sasha Costanza-Chock

I was looking to learn more about Accessibility / Inclusivity and Design and was recommended "Design Justice" by Sasha Costanza-Chock. While the book sheds interesting insights into the opportunity that...

book cover of get that job

Get that job!

A recruiter spends on average 5 seconds assessing a CV before discarding it. You have a small window and nothing more. I’ve been a recruiter for more than 10 years and have reviewed 100,000+ CVs in this time. 

How will you make sure you are not one of the many? 

This book is the advice you never received. 

How do you write your CV? 

How do you apply?

How do you stand out?

The rules of the game have changed, but they never seem to be in favour of the applicants. You might not be able to change the game, but through my book I want to empower you to change the rules and level the playing field.  

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